The case of the sexy pics
I have seen a surge in the rise of sexy pics, asked for on social media and dating websites. A full-body, clothed pic is no longer good enough. People want to see the butt, the boobs, and the vagina, immediately. In the past, I have sent sexy pics and videos, but I deleted them off my phone and deactivated all the sites, I could think of. I also do not care for penis pics. Never have. To me, pics does not equate to skills. From personal experience, Pics do not make me want to have sex with you (unless a. I already slept with you and b) you are one of the great ones). At this point, I don't even want a pic from the great ones, because I don't need that temptation.
Last week, a youngin hit me up on a website. He was 30 years old. We had a good conversation, until he asked for a sexy pic. His response: It was a waste of a body, if I don't share my sexy pics. I blocked him. Then, another dude, hit me up on the same website. Another good convo. Gave him my number. He wanted sexy pics too. I told him I don't do that anymore. He never hit me up again. I blocked him as well. So glad he texted.
I am celibate now and have no desire to tempt or tease a man, I have no interest in. I also don't want to be tempted or teased. If I decide to finally have sex with a random dude, what's to say, I won't have sex with a bunch of other random dudes. Slippery slope, but I know where I used to be. More one nighter's than repeats. Quickly deleting numbers, as soon as I got home (or on the way home, or immediately after sex). I don't want the conversation to move from general to explicit. I don't want to discuss my sexual past with a man, especially if he can use it against me.
For example, "You had a three some, five years ago. Why can't you make an exception for me?" I never understood that logic. I did something for someone else, hence and therefore, I should do the same for you. "You" are not doing what "he" did. "You" didn't make me feel like "he" did, but want the same sexual experience. For me, in the past, everyone got different levels of sex, A, B, and F. The level you got depended on how I felt. Repeat sex partners got better sex. I probably can count on my fingers and toes, how many repeats I had from 18 to 30. If I just met you, you may not get the same experience as someone, who I was having sex with for a while. If a great sex buddy was not getting a particular act, neither will you. Anyway, rambled long enough
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