Perfect Chaos: Chivalry by Zach Hunter Book Review Tyndale House
The book is about 10 principles of ancient knights combined with teachings of Jesus, that we can use today. How can we help others? How can we defend the oppressed? How do we act with integrity? How do we live with courage and significance?
The 10 principles:
I will not go on this journey alone
I will never attack from behind
I will practice self control and selflessness
I will respect life and freedom
I will fight only for the sake of those who are unable to defend themselves, for in the defense of justice.
I will honor truth and will always keep my promises
I will fear no evil
I will always follow the law, unless it goes against what is moral and good
I will live and die with honor
I will never abandon my quest
My Review:
I was not sure what to expect when I requested this book. By the time, It arrived, I thought, based on the cover, it was a fiction, based on science fiction, fantasy, medieval times. Tyndale does not release the books until the books are taken down from the request screen. I loved reading the book. I was highlighting from the first chapter.
The first chapter discussed Carlos and his love of trees. Carlos reminded me of Pete Nelson from Treehouse Masters on Animal Planet. He loved to grow them, watch them, study the soil, and study the roots. Carlos got married, had kids, and eventually his wife died. After his wife died, one of his kids, visited with his grandkids. Carlos made a powerful analogy about trees, which I enjoyed.
When a young tree is planted, it is at risk of being whipped about by the wind....If the sapling is tied to a single stake and pulled in one direction, it will grow up learning hard to that side. It will be uprooted by a storm or grow crooked. That's why it is important to stake a tree from multiple directions. The tension on three different sides helps a tree grow straight and true. Its roots will deepen, its trunk will strengthen, and it will bear more fruit (p. 5).
We need roots to help us grow. We need people, who will be our root in life. People, who will support us when we are falling. Give us strength when we are going through. We can not rely on one human to help us on the journey called life. We can not do this alone, either (which is a problem, I struggle with. I am an introvert, I hate relying on people, but I am learning that I have to (need to). I need to socialize. I need to build relations with people. I need to network and build a community of friends, family, and others. But, your community needs to include mentors. Someone to hold me accountable. Someone, who will be honest. Someone who wants me to grow. Someone to share their personal experiences and I will do the same. I have my mentors. and I am a few other's mentors. I know my personal brand of Stacie is not always accepted and I am learning that is ok. I can be too blunt for my own good. I don't know tact that well.
Chapter 2 focused on Catalina, who was gossipping behind her friend's back. She realized too late she hurt her relationships and through a priest's words, realized things will never be the same. The priest gave Catalina a task, which involved a chicken and feathers. People don't need to backstab, gossip, attack from behind, or even engage in malicious sarcasm (p. 16). I definitely use a lot of sarcasm. We (I) need to watch my words.
Chapter 3 focused on self-control. We need to think first, then act second. The book discussed sexual relations. In relationships, there are things you should and should not do. We need to maintain control, so we don't end up in regret. Self control doesn't just mean avoiding something, but also focusing on goals (p. 33 to 34). Simply avoiding temptation does not mean temptation will not occur (learned that from the celibacy is sexy chat last week). Temptation is everywhere (media, television, radio, magazines, online, etc). The book talked about focusing on what you want from a committed, married relationship. For example, Stacie wants a christian, celibate man, who can put up with special needs kids. One thing, which stood out in chapter 3 was "there is no such thing as just a movie, just a song, just words, just a kiss. nothing is trivial. everything has repercussions. (p. 37).
The rest of the book followed the same set-up---shared someone's story, the author shared a story, followed by sound, biblical advice. At the end of the book, Hunter provided discussion questions for personal bible study or small group bible study. Each section also contains an oath or declaration, where you sign and date. You also can write your own pledge on how to grow more chivalrous.
We need roots to help us grow. We need people, who will be our root in life. People, who will support us when we are falling. Give us strength when we are going tree nursery